Why Many Such Things?
This blog began after 21+ years working for the same employer whose new management desired to centralize processing in two locations in the southwest and midwest US. My job was eliminated. And my family was not moving. I’ve always been a Cali-girl enjoying the beautiful SoCal weather, though I’m a true island-girl at heart.
Growing up traveling to Hawaii nearly every summer to visit family and hangout at the beach as well as dancing hula over 20 years really developed my love for island culture. Actually, we performed many Polynesian dances with the most emphasis on Tahitian dance. In my latter dance years, I was blessed to perform Hula Praise at a mega SoCal church I fellowshipped at.
In my break from many years of full-time work, the end of 2018 found me desiring to find a new purpose and my old love of reading and writing reappeared. Unemployment gave me more time to spend with my husband and three kids–a tweenager, teenager, and a 20-something-year-old. And I had more time to devote to old passions.
I had been praying about starting a blog for weeks and even made a list of many site names. But it wasn’t until I was listening to a bible study message over the radio while I was driving to work that my direction became more clear. Pastor Chuck Smith’s messages are usually broadcast in the mornings during the time I would drive to work. On this particular day, he was speaking through a chapter of Job and the phrase “many such things” really stood out to me and kept repeating itself over and over in my mind for days. I read through many translations of the Bible and found the best meaning in the New King James version of Job 23:14 which says “For He performs what is appointed for me, And many such things are with Him.” This scripture really spoke to me and reminded me that God’s plans will prevail in my life and that He controls my destiny. This blog is about living life one day at a time trusting in the Lord and His plans and it seeks to be a platform to encourage others in each of our every-day struggles.
Joy in the King!
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