As we come to the end of our extended Spring Break during this coronavirus outbreak and the kids plan for their online studies beginning Monday, I am reminded how the Lord cares for us each and every day. Yes, the grocery store shelves are continuously empty, but we have enough. Yes, we must now practice social distancing, but we have plenty of family activities to engage in at home. Yes, we must wash our hands SO much more than we previously did.
While the world seems to spiral into endless panic and chaos hoarding toilet paper and necessary canned food and dairy products, we remember that God always provides, and He is enough.
We read in the Bible of how the Lord provided for his people. When he led them out of the bondage of Egypt, he provided food, manna, for them to eat daily. He gave them their daily bread. When they complained that they wanted meat, he provided quail. And yet still they complained. We are no different. Even in our present day, we still sometimes cling to our complaints and desire more than we already have.
Instead, it is better for us to cry out to the Lord for help and relief from this worldwide pandemic. He is our intercessor. He stands between us and God and provides the way to Him. Prayer is what is needed in times of distress and uncertainty. We must turn to Him who can save us from all destruction.
As we “shelter in place,” thankful that we have not contracted the virus, and spend so much more time together as a family, we read our Bibles and pray together. We teach our children the value of growing their relationship with the Lord by reading scripture daily and having regular prayer time with God alone and together.
God answers our prayers though not always in our timing or in the manner we hope. When we have a close relationship with Him, we understand His responses. He gives us peace and guidance to make it through every day. Scripture tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Daily presenting our requests to the Lord in prayer helps us to remember that we are not in control, but He is. Always. And He wants us to come before Him with our petitions as well as our gratitude for all that He has already provided. We need to take our eyes off of the problems around us and focus on the Lord and trust that He will daily provide for our needs. In reading Matthew 6:25-26 we hear Jesus say, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” God created us to have a relationship with Him so, of course, He will take care of us.
Today, though grocery store shelves may not have what is on my shopping list, instead of worrying, I am trusting the Lord to provide.
I am choosing to joy in all that He has already provided. I will look at our pantry shelves and be thankful for what we already have, which is enough for now. When the time is right, I know that He will provide more.

I will thank Him for our health and the health of our close family and friends, asking Him to continue to keep us safe.
I will be thankful that we have internet access so our children can continue their studies next week as they “go back to school”. Even though they are not looking forward to it, I know that getting back into the routine of homework will be good for them…vacation’s over!!
I will pray for those students who are unable to connect online and so must be creative in their learning efforts. I pray for the teachers in lower-income communities, my husband one of them, who must find other ways to communicate with their students to continue the growth and learning of their students as this school year comes close to the end.
We are living in unprecedented times but we will come through it and life will go back to “normal” eventually. Everyone must work together, be kind, and follow the guidelines provided to us from the authorities to help eradicate this disease.
Trust in the Lord is the key to surviving each day. Our God is bigger than this coronavirus and He will have victory!
What do you have to be thankful for?
What can you do to stop worrying about your future?
Praying for health and safety for you all!
Joy in the King!
Photo credit: Shutterstock, Laurie Jamora.